UNION Funding Solutions Fund I


Medium-sized business lending strategy

By combining the expertise of experienced bankers, financial specialists, and fund managers, the “UNION Funding Solutions Fund I” has been established. This investment fund directly invests in private company debt – various debt instruments issued by Baltic companies (bridge financing, mezzanine loans, etc.) and special situations where companies require urgent financing.

The fund fills the gap between traditional (conservative) bank financing and business loan platforms/financial technology companies, which typically provide only small-scale funding and essentially act as factoring entities, but do not fulfill the need for alternative financing.

Why UNION Funding Solutions Fund I?


According to European Central Bank data, the SME debt gap in Lithuania exceeds 2% of GDP (the annual deviation of new loans in Lithuania from the Eurozone median during 2018-2022).


The effectiveness of the strategy has been proven since 2021, with investors realizing a 11.3% annual return (IRR) before the fund’s success fee.


Private debt allows diversification into debt instruments traditionally held by banks and segments not yet publicly traded.

Risk Management

The fund’s team implements strict risk management to balance investor safety and project sustainability. Most projects are secured by primary asset collateral, with financing aimed at increasing the liquidity of this asset. If primary asset collateral is unavailable, the fund becomes a shareholder of the company until the redemption date of the bonds. Diversification principles are also crucial in the fund’s strategy, reducing overall portfolio risk and ensuring stability of investor returns in times of economic fluctuations.

Advantages of Fund Structure

Investors are granted the right to redeem fund units after 21 months from the initial investment.

Fund Parameters

Type and Form

Open-ended AIF for informed investors.


Direct investments in private company debt – various debt instruments issued by Baltic companies (bridge financing, mezzanine loans, etc.) and special situations where companies require urgent financing.


Baltic countries.

Start Date

May 31, 2021



Planned Size

EUR 30 million

Financing Criteria

We are a flexible business financing partner with no strict sector limits or borrowing levels. Understanding the issuer’s specific business plan and strategy is important to us. Below are indicative financing criteria:

Target Amount

From EUR 500,000


Primary asset collateral or equity control.


Intensive borrowing with a clear repayment plan and strategy.

Interest Rates

From 10%


Quick, cost-effective, and flexible borrowing process.


Bond agreement.

Business Sectors

Flexible sector limits.


Fewer restrictions, more decision-making freedom.

Added Value

Assistance with deal structuring for company financing under the fund. Consultation to obtain bank financing upon fund financing maturity.

Examples of financed projects

Wind energy project
  • Mezzanine financing
  • Equity collateral
  • Term: 2 years
Real estate project financing until building permit in Vilnius
  • Unitranche “bridge” financing
  • Primary land and company equity collateral
  • Term: 1 year
Real estate project financing in Vilnius city center
  • Senior financing
  • Primary 85% completion property collateral
  • Term: 1 year
Real estate project financing in Vilnius district
  • Senior financing
  • Primary 85% and 24% completion property units collateral
  • Term: 1 year
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