Contacts us

Let’s talk business. Get in touch with us.

UAB Union Asset Management

Company code: 305552297


Konstitucijos pr. 18, LT-09308 Vilnius

Telephone number
Current account

LT98 7044 0901 0026 8639
AB SEB bankas, banko kodas 70440

Social network
Supervised bu

Custodian of Assets

Write Us!

    Your name *

    Your email *

    Your phone number*



    If you have complaints about the services provided by UAB “Union Asset Management” (hereinafter Management Company), please contact us:

    • visit the Management Company at Konstitucijos Av. 18 (3rd floor), Vilnius (working hours 9:00 – 18:00).
    • email at
    • call +370 655 58866

    The complaint will be reviewed no later than 30 days from the date of the receipt. If due to objective reasons it is not possible to review the complaint within 30 days, the Management Company will inform you of the delay circumstances and indicate by when the complaint will be reviewed and a response provided.

    Where to turn if you are dissatisfied with the Management Company’s response to your complaint:

    If the Management Company provides unsatisfactory conclusions regarding your complaint, you have the right to contact the supervisory institutions overseeing the activities of the Management Company;

    The activities of the investment management company UAB “Union Asset Management” are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania. More information can be found on the Bank of Lithuania’s website.

    You can find the procedure for handling complaints by clicking this link.

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